Sunday, October 18, 2009

Pumpkin Mayhem.... and Free Mittens (giveaway)!!

My brother (in-law) had a birthday yesterday. Family lunch took place today and we were told that there would be "mandatory activites." If you just raised an eyebrow, you did the same as I.

They showed up with these....
Brother is big into Hallowe'en. In fact, I gave him a book on creative carving last year. But he does do some research on his own which led him to this site. We each had to pick a stencil and go to town.
And, oh sweet lord, did we ever have fun! Waxing nostalgic, cracking every kind of joke, visiting away and sharing secrets, tools and techniques... Guts and pumpkin shavings were flying through the air! Sister had some in her hair but asked that the photo not appear here.... :-)
Every few seconds, she'd stop, raise her head and try to figure out where a particular piece of pumpkin flesh had landed... I got beaned in the eye a couple times (My enthusiasm sometimes gets the better of me...) There were also some interesting turns of phrase to express one's frustration when a pumpkin failed to cooperate. :-)

My niece-dog - quite accustomed to getting the bulk of attention - wanted to know exactly what about a pumpkin was more special than she, the giant puppy (31" high at the shoulder. Yeah. Don't let the picture fool you - she's HUGE!)
Hours later...
Here's how they turned out:
That's Barack, a Werewolf, A Punk Princess Skull, Senor Mustache, and a Zombie.

And here's where the free mittens come in: Leave me a comment letting me know which jack-o-lantern you believe to be mine by midnight PST on Saturday the 24th and I'll do a random draw next Sunday, the 25th. The winner will receive a hand-knit pair of mittens made by yours truly!

Hint: It's not the one you think it is. :-{

UPDATE: Giveaway is now closed - thank you to all who entered!

Next post - toque for the birthday brat.


  1. First: The dog looks HUGE!
    Second: My first instinct is to say the mustache creation is yours, but then you gave the hint that it's not the one I'd think is was. Soooo, I'm going with Zombie.
    Third: My hands are always cold so I hope I win!
    Fourth: ALL the pumpkins look fantastic! Well done. Well done.

  2. I'm going to say werewolf. :D And Yay for pumpkins. We're only carving one this year--but I'm loving all yours lined up, it's making me rethink my urge to scale back.

    And as much as I like to win things, I don't need another pair of mittens. (Um, I kinda have more than I can wear!) So, if I win, let Whitney have them--because her hands are always COLD! :D

  3. I'll guess the punk princess. :)

  4. Ok, first of all...sounds like you had a ball. I love family get togethers like that.

    Second what a sweet adorible dog.

    Third, thanks for stoppy by roots and wings and leaving such a sweet comment.

    Fourth just for the fun of it I will guess Obama. But really I think they all look great.

    Fifth, I highly recommend you try roasting the seeds if you havn't tried it. Seriously I would carve a pumpkin just for the seeds. :)

    Take Care,
    Katrina of the R&W Girls

  5. Okay, I'm going to be the first Aunt to vote. I know the zombie is your brother-in -laws (from facebook) and I'm guessing the moustache is my brother-in-laws as it looks much like his father. (in the nicest sense of the word). I think Rachel would have done the princess, my sister did the werewolf and you did Obama! How did I do? By the way, I love the blog and will share it with people on our old website. I know they all love your writing. I also agree that all the pumpkins are awesome.

    Auntie Debbie

  6. I'm going with the punk princess skull, and I have to win for my poor old arthric cold Alberta hands ( did I at least win the pitty factor)
    Auntie Jo

  7. Wow, what lucky timing for me to visit on a giveaway day. ;) I'd guess, just randomly, the werewolf.

    But really I wanted to tell you I think you're all pretty talented to turn out such nice looking pumpkins! :)

  8. Herrow darlink,

    Methinks tis probably Obama. A very excellent job done on the pumpkins too I must add, I can hardly believe they are actually pumpkins.

    Are you selling your crafts yet? You should, I'd pay for em. Course I'd also enter competitions to win them because at heart I am cheap. I still have my last pair of gloves, still going strong, but a girl can always use more accessories for next winter!

    Also liking your blog Carls. Will now keep an eye on it.

    Toodles poodle

  9. I was going to gues the Obama pumpkin and Jen was going to throw her hat in for the skull & crossbones with the little bow. Looks like a lot of folks are goig with the Obama one, now, so I must be right. ;)
