Monday, January 28, 2013

Up and Running (Stitch)

Well, I'm excited.

We have the website for the Saskatoon Modern Quilt Guild up and running, we have a Flickr group, internet buttons, a mailing list, real live members, and, let's face it, a lot of fun!

My lovely co-chair, Jaclyn of JaclynQuilts, (the Statler to my Waldorf, the macaroni to my cheese) and I are hoping to blog regularly to keep members and potential members informed about what we're up to and have some general quilty goodness, so from time to time, I'll be over there. We're also hoping to get our membership involved in blogging on the site as well.

Basically, we're official and that feels really good.

Like 'bite of cheesecake', good.


  1. Hey, that's great! Have fun. :) Our NMQG has kind of fizzled...

  2. +1 for the Statler/Waldorf reference.

  3. Thank you for all the you both have done on this!

  4. I wish I lived closer to Saskatoon or that there was enough interest to start one where I am. 7 hours is too far to drive. :(


  5. Yay! That is super exciting! It is fun to be part of a real life group as well as the online friends too. Having someone there in person, that is just super fun and inspiring. And THANK YOU for the follower button;) Now I can follow you better than I had been!

  6. Ooo! Our Central Florida MQG chapter just became official too! We had our second meeting tonight with 29 people! We have a wonderful new logo too. It will be going up on our blog soon: Where is Saskatoon MQG's site? Oh! And I too hope to get more quilters blogging. I'm the only one right now!

  7. How fun! Looking forward to seeing that

  8. Oh my!! While reading One Flew Over, I was drawn in by your So Wise and True Words kindly shared for all and sundry in Comments; Such is the beauty of Blogdom. I am so delighted to have discovered your blog. All the very best to you in 2013.

  9. ooh, so fun! Congratulations on the birth of your quilty baby :)

  10. Good for you!!! It's a lot of work, but a lot of fun too. I did the OrlandoMQG and was President for two years before someone happily took over. Just found out I'll be VP though at next election ;-) Are you going to QuiltCon? Hope so.


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