Friday, October 26, 2012

Bloggers' Quilt Festival: Homespun

Hi!  This is my entry into the BQF for this fall.  If you're a regular reader, you'll have seen it before and therefore know how much I'm in love with it, so you'll forgive me for showing it again - I love you!  If you're new, welcome!

Title: Homespun - #132
Finished: May 2012
Category: Scrap Quilts
Size: 76" square
Composition: mostly scraps, an old pair of dress pants, a little yardage, and backed and bound with an old sheet.

I started this quilt about three years ago and it took almost that long to get it made.  When I started blogging, I was quickly overwhelmed with wonderful ideas and beautiful quilts made by others.  This quilt and this quilt in particular really inspired me.  So I set out to make a spiderweb quilt!

It took a lot of pencil and paper playing to figure out how I wanted my blocks to look. I cut my own cardstock templates, traced and cut fabric, added them to foundation paper, and then I had to wait until I had enough scraps to start it.  Since I had only made a handful of quilts, and wasn't as insane about keeping scraps as I am now, it took awhile to build up the stash.  Now I have tons. :-)

It's quilted using pebbles (a first for me at the time), some organic spirals in the webs, and straight line echoes around the edges.  I also quilted the name into one of the webs.

I had the horrific discovery of a hole in the top while quilting it.  It looked like a snag or like it may have been there, microscopic, until I had really started manipulating the quilt through my machine.  And I almost cried.  But then, I figured it's a spiderweb, and freehanded a little spider to cover it up.  His name is Troy.

Of all the quilts I have made, this one is definitely my favourite. My original post on this quilt is here.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks to Amy for hosting! I'm hoping to get around to see everyone's quilt by the time the festival is finished.  Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. This is a truly fabulous quilt. I love the floating blocks at the edges! Thank you for sharing it with us!

  2. What a great quilt. I love the texture you created with the quilting.

  3. Some quilts are worth showing more than once!! This one is fabulous. I can see why you love it so much.

  4. What a gorgeous quilt, Carly! A spider web quilt has long been on my list of quilts I want to make. Though I'm not into Halloween in any way, shape or form, I very much like the scrappy quality of the spider web design. Yours is simply wonderful! And your quilting is great too. You picked excellent designs to give movement and life to the finished quilt. Great work!

  5. I love everything about this amazing quilt. MUST MAKE ONE...........someday

  6. GREAT choice! I don't mind seeing it again AT ALL! It is a beautiful quilt. I really love your layout!!!

  7. Wow! What a beautiful scrap quilt, so nicely done!

  8. What a great scrap quilt !! And I love Troy ;-)) Your setting solution is very unique, fantastic idea.

  9. I love web quilts but I've never seen one like this. It's absolutely wonderful!!! The webs look as though they are floating.

  10. Beautiful use of scraps! And Troy is a great idea.

  11. It is a very nice Spiderweb! I also made one (and I enjoy it), but my is traditional, your is original, pretty.

  12. Carly, you're so talented. You make me feel guilty that my son is almost 2 and I haven't finished crocheting his baby afghan yet. I would never have the patience to quilt. Enjoy the festival!

  13. Such a great quilt! I love the little spider on it!

  14. Beautiful, Carly. I think I might need to put a spider web quilt on my wish list now.

  15. Simply fantastic! It's such an accomplishment.

  16. I never get tired of seeing this quilt. I love the way the spider webs move outside the box. Good inspiration--we should all aspire to move outside the box. And that, Carly, my dear, is my Friday philosophy for today. :)

  17. Your quilt is wonderful. It certainly "pops".

  18. Love your spider web quilt especially Troy

  19. There is so much work in this quilt. It looks great. Well done with the quilting and I love your solution to the tiny hole. Great idea.

  20. string quilts a re a favorite of mine & I really love that spider!

  21. This is amazing....I love Troy! We all have those moments, and the creative ways that we solve the problems help us feel like we've won a huge victory when we can say, "I finished it!" Great job!

  22. Great use of scraps! I've always wanted to make a spiderweb quilt!

  23. This is marvelous! Fantastic job on the quilting and the spider webs. I am always amazed at unique scrap quilts.

  24. Great job with your quilt! I love the scrappiness, layout and your FMQ looks great! I've never attempted anything this large. Maybe with your inspiration I can take something like this on.

  25. It's fantastic! I loved yhe scrappy colours on that background -- they pop beautifully!

  26. This is truly an amazing quilt! You have good reason to be proud of it!!

  27. Hi! Your quilt is fantastic! I can't imagine how much work it has needed! I had to go to see the quilt you entered in spring because I remembered that I loved it but couldn't remember how it was. I still love it, too! x Teje

  28. Brilliant!!! I Love this Quilt!!

  29. Oh wow! I've never seen this quilt so I'm glad you decided to show this one off! Your quilting is absolutely beautiful and the design is just perfect. Beautiful work!

    Jennifer :)

  30. I've been wanting to do some spider webs. Your quilt is really an inspiration. The setting of the webs and the quilting is amazing.

  31. All I can say is WOW how beautiful!

  32. I love strings and spiders! Well done!

  33. Wow! This is fabulous. Those pebbles were done when you just started FMQ? I love the look of them in your quilt. I am going to have to give them a try.

  34. Your Homespun is gorgeous!!! I love that it is mostly scraps :*)

  35. Love your scrappy spiderwebs and the quilting is amazing!

  36. Oh!! I can see why you love it so....It's stunning. A spider web quilt is on my list. Seeing yours makes me want to push it higher up. Well done. Well done.

  37. Oh my goodness, are you kidding me? This quilt is phenomenal! I'd wager that you'll be nominated in your category FOR SURE! Way to go! and I adore Troy!!!

  38. This is gorgeous. I love the way you used different sizes of spiderwebs.

  39. Wow this quilt is beautiful! I love the background fabric that you have chosen, the spiderweb blocks really stand out against the back and your quilting is awesome!

  40. I can see why this is your favorite. It is amazing. I think your spider Troy is a clever fix.

  41. Beautiful quilt! Your quilting is amazing too, great job!

  42. That is a gorgeous quilt! Thanks for the closeups of the quilting too -- inspiring!

  43. Carly ... Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a kind comment. I have not seen your beautiful quilt before so I am happy you shared it again on the BQF. I can see why it has become a favorite. I have seen a lot of these great spiderweb quilts online and yours is now my favorite one. I love your background setting and colors ... sew inspiring ... :) Pat

  44. Thanks for you kind comment on my blog. I was going to look you up but Ai saw your image and clicked and only afterwards realised it's you! I love the way you've used black grey adn white to offset the colourful webs. Fantastic!

  45. Wonderful quilt, The pebble quilting gives it a lovely texture.

  46. What an amazing quilt! Love the different sizes of spiderweb. And Troy is an inspired way to deal with a hole!

  47. una buona fonte di ispirazione per tramutare vecchi avanzi in una fantastica trapunta!
    Ps grazie per la visita
    Ciao dall'Italia

  48. Your quilt is amazing! I love the placement of the blocks! Beautiful quilting and Troy is adorable :)

  49. This is gorgeous - I really want to make a spiderweb quilt, but I never thought I could float the spiderwebs in negative space. Very inspiring. Will have to start plotting and planning...

  50. Hi Cathy; love this quilt! I apologize; I replied to your comment as a follower, but had you confused with another. Thank you for stopping by. appreciate it. lol
    Must be too early in the morning for me or

  51. Especially love your setting. The brights on the black, gray and white concentric squares is wonderful.

  52. This is lovely - I love little Troy. Thanks for sharing. #263

  53. A great scrappy quilt! I love the placement of the webs with the different backgrounds! Beautiful!

  54. I've seen lots of spiderweb quilts, but none with a layout like this. Looks fabulous.

  55. I love scrap quilt, and this one is no exception. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  56. When I opened your blog, WOW came out of my mouth!! I love it!! The setting of your blocks is gorgeous!! It really makes your quilt unique from other spiderweb quilts I've seen!! I love the quilting!! Congrats on an amazing finish!!

  57. I love the way your webs slide off into the border. I've made 2 spiderweb quilts but never tried a layout like yours. Thanks for the inspiration!

  58. Wow, I am so inspired by you. What an amazing quilt. Love the spider!

  59. This is just beautiful! I love the way you used the selvages in the spiderwebs, and the quilting is terrific too! Well done :)

  60. That is an awesome quilt! I can see why it is your favorite!!

  61. Your quilt is beautiful!! I LOVE your choice in quilting it!!

  62. Your quilt is just gorgeous!!! Impressive what you have made with your scraps.
    Fantastic job.

  63. Carly.... this is a definite WOW quilt. Great photography to
    help us view the quilt and quilting and blocks. How long did it
    take you, using pencil and paper, to create the blocks? Amazing
    quilt! Thank you!

  64. looks wonderful I really like the way you set the blocks.

  65. Thanks for stopping by to say "hello"! I've never been a fan of the spider web block, but your quilt... the idea is already growing on me! I love the fact that you used what you had (including the dress pants) and your spider!! Very cleaver indeed! Great job!!

  66. This is such a lovely version of spider web. Love your background fabric choice and quilting. No wonder you in love with it. Awesome!

  67. Carly, I can see why this is your favorite quilt! Wow!!!! There is so much to love. Troy is just too wonderful for words. I am in awe of your quilting in this quilt. Love the pebbles and the echo lines around the blocks.

  68. This is really spectacular, from the scrappy piecing to the fun quilting! I am also really enjoying looking at how you pieced the top together to form the box motif behind the blocks. Very clever!

  69. I love spider web quilts. Haven't made one and may never but I love them. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments.

  70. This really amazes me. I don't know how you do such intricate piecing but you sure do a great job of it. Love it!!

  71. Oh wow the webs look like they are floating on the background, it's stunning.

  72. I love this quilt! Pet Troy for me? I found a little 'snag' in something that I made for someone else in the quilting phase, I also nearly cried when it happened! I didn't find a creative way to fix it like you did so I ended up unstitching and replacing the piece of fabric.. it was a PAIN! I like your fix much better!

  73. this is great. I love the scrappy rainbow colored blocks on the multiple colors of grey in the background!

  74. Wow, wow, wow...this is an amazing quilt. Love your use of fabrics; overall design, powerful shading and beautiful quilting. Great job.


  75. Oh my! It's amazing! Me thinks you know what you're doing! Love how you quilted homespun into a the whole things. Thanks for stopping by to visit my quilt, too.

  76. Wow, great spiderweb quilt! I really like how your webs seem to be "floating". I think your quilting really highlights your piecing too. Your spider is a great save! I smiled when I saw you included some selvages...yay! Great job - I can see why you love it!

  77. I love this quilt. The spider makes me smile.

  78. Troy is a great addition! What a good idea.

  79. As a big fan of spiderweb (quilts) it's great to see your creative spin on it! Love the colors and your fantastic quilting! Congratulations on an unique and beautiful creation!
    ; )

  80. Great job on your spider web quilt.

  81. Love your quilt and thxs for commenting on my blog. A spiderweb quilt is on my growing list of quilts to make and yours is an inspiration.

  82. Wow. Just wow!!! I love this quilt! I love spiderwebs, but your use of varied backgrounds really takes them to a new level of gorgeousness :)

  83. Love your quilt! Very nice idea!
    Greetings from Russia!

  84. This quilt is FANTASTIC. I love it! The mixed backgrounds with the spiderwebs is genius! :)

  85. I love scrappy quilts, I love strings and I am a huge fan of spiderweb quilts. This quilt is utterly fabulous. It looks wonderful backed randomly like that too.


  86. So graphic and beautiful! I can just imagine the horror when you found that hole. Eeek! But Troy was an excellent addition to your spiderweb quilt. :) Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  87. your quilt is fantastic and one of those quilts that is unforgettable! Love it. Love the that you quilted "homespun" into it and troy was a fantastic idea!

  88. Stunning modern quilt! Love the free form of it. Thanks for sharing.

  89. Your quilt is pure perfection! The colors, the scrappy-ness, the grays (my favorite), your quilting and even your little spidey friend, Troy! I love it all!

  90. Love those spiderweb blocks...and the little peeks of selvage in there! So cute

  91. Absolutely stunning and I love Troy!

  92. Wow, this is really amazing! I admire people who tackle the spiderweb block, it's so much work! I like your layout design here too, how each one is sort of floating in negative space and they're not interlocking. And so genius to put a spider to cover the rip, love the free motion quilting on this one.

  93. By far, this is the best spider web quilt I have seen! Absolutely beautiful. I love how that little spider crept up in there and hid your snag;)

  94. What an amazing quilt,beautiful:))

  95. This truly is beautiful and amazing! I absolutely love Troy too! Brilliant!

  96. It's stunning and I love what you did with the little hole - my favourite quilts are oddly ones with the little imperfections. This one really is beautiful and your quilting is amazing.

  97. Nice save with the hole- I always hate that when that happens. Beautiful quilt, I love how the motif go out into the frame.

  98. "Troy" is the best thing I've seen this morning! I love, love, love this story and your quilt is amazing! What an awesome testament to the power of persistence and scraps!

    Good luck on your entry!

  99. What a great quilt - I bet it was an amazing feeing to have used up so many scraps, well done

  100. Your quilt is so lovely! So much thought and planning went into it!

  101. Ok, that is amazing and incredible! Congratulations on pushing through. I know how much work spiderweb blocks are! Wow, I've got to go back and look again. Also love the pebble quilting!!!

  102. Love this BQF! More fab blogs and quilts to find, namely, yours! I laughed out loud at the sight of Troy, and I truly love this spiderweb scrappy that you pulled off! Nice quilting with the title too, a little message stitched intonyour quilt!

  103. This is a tremendously beautiful quilt. Nice job!

  104. Wow! What a quilt! I love the quilting - especially Troy!

  105. It is beautiful - I love the quilting and the spider is awesome! Well done

  106. I love your spiderweb quilt. The way the background changes from dark to light speaks to me.

  107. Beautiful! This quilt is really amazing! And I do love Troy. I think I would have cried at the sight of a hole, but you definitely fixed it perfectly! Great thinking!

  108. Wow!!! Amazing job!! Beautifully done :)

  109. Such a great quilt. Those spinners look like they're floating above the surface and just might spin off into the ether! Superb.

  110. Great spider web quilt, such a unique design. Love the quilting patterns

  111. What a beautiful quilt and the first thing I noticed was how they seem to be floating! Thanks for sharing!

  112. I can see why you love this quilt, Carly! I still can't figure out how you made the scrappy spiderwebs stand out as if they're floating on the neutral background. Nice to meet Troy the spider!

  113. Wow! What an amazing quilt. Your solid background really gives it a modern look.

    Love your quilting too. Really adds to the beauty of the already beautiful quilt.

  114. Gasp! I adore this quilt. I have been wanting to make a spider web quilt for a long time, yours is fabulous!

  115. Great quilt and it is inspiring me to finish off a Spider Web UFO I have in my cupboard. Take care.

  116. SO beautiful! I love that you've got a pair of pants in there!

  117. This is sooo beautiful! Love your spider, - the name Troy made me smile, - it is also the name of my oldest grandson :-)

  118. I've always wanted to do a spiderweb quilt!!! This maybe the inspiration to finally do one!!! Just stunning!! I also saw a piece of Michael Miller Ginger Blossom fabric in there - love it!

  119. Carly, it's amazing. Scrappy spiderweb blocks are fun in themselves but what you did with the background makes it so special.
    And I love how you dealt with the hole (hello, little Troy).

  120. I LOVE your quilt & the spider too! Great use of string type quilting, good choice, thx for showing it!

  121. PS, IMHO NEVER too much chocioate,LOL

  122. I love how your "webs" are all different sizes!
    That must have taken a lot of planning!

  123. LOVE the bubbly look of all the scrappy webs! Well done!

  124. You know I love a scrappy quilt, but I've never been a big fan of spiderwebs. Generally they are just *there*. Not this one!
    I love it!! This is still my very, very favorite spiderweb quilt ever! Beautiful!

  125. Beautiful. Your quilting is amazing. I love the spider solution.

  126. I love your quilt. Thank u for the nice comment on my blog. I can see that we both like the scrappy look. Your quilting is great too.

  127. Wow. That is fantastic. I have about ... too many bins of scraps to count! I really need to start making and one day I'll have a quilt!

  128. Your webs are beautiful. And, I love Troy. I nice touch to add to the story of this quilt. Future generations will find this blog and others like it invaluable.


  129. First of all the quilt overall is BEAUTIFUL. But my favorite part of this post is your explanation for Troy. Perfect solution to an understandably upsetting discovery!

  130. Absolutely gorgeous! And the amount of pebbling is insane. I love pebbles, but they hurt!

  131. I understand why you love this quilt- it´s amazing and I like Troy! :)

  132. WOW! This is an amazingly cool quilt!!! Kind of like Spider Man meets outer space. :o) LOVE it!!!

  133. What a great quilt, Carly! I adore your quilting, too. I just saw on Red Pepper Quilts that you won her Tula Pink Giveaway...way to go!!! Congrats!!

  134. I love how you stitched the name into the quilting. I always put a little message in mine too;)

  135. I love the black in the center - it's unexpected. I also LOVE the variation of all the scraps. I'm starting to get enough scraps to do something like this - incredible inspiring!

  136. LOve your spider quilt! Gives me inspiration to go and finish my own!

  137. what a great spiderweb quilt and love your little spider fix.

    Come see my entry #46 Batik Tulips
    applique, hand quilt, wall hanging

    and #23 antique zigzag quilt

  138. What a gorgeous quilt! It almost look three dimensional(the gray background makes it look as if the spiderweb block were floating) I love It!

  139. Fabulous quilt! I especially love the changes in background color, and the quilting.

  140. Amazing quilt! And your quilting is equally as amazing! Good luck!!

  141. Love how your spiderwebs just seem to float. Your quilting especially the spider truly adds to the finished quilt. Great job!

  142. Wow, wow, wow, WOW! Mad, mad love for your guilt!

  143. Oh, I love this--the scraps, the layout, and especially the quilting! Lovely!

  144. Beautiful quilt! Love your setting for the spidewebs.

  145. I love it all! You are definitely getting my vote for scrap quilt. The layout is fantastic. Very clever way to refresh a classic spiderweb block!

  146. Love your quilt very much. I like the combination of neutrals with the bright scrappy blocks. Very well done!!! You get my vote :o)

  147. Totally awesome quilt! Super worthy of a vote at BQF. Thanks for sharing.

  148. Beautiful! And so impressed with the fact that you made your own templates and did the machine quilting--the whole quilt is fantastic! I'm also in the scrap quilt finalists but I think I'd rather vote for yours! :)

  149. Well my dear. You for sure got my vote ; )

  150. Yes you get my vote again in the finals!

  151. Gorgeous. Really really beautiful. I love the spider web look, the "floating" look of all the webs on the background. I voted for you in the finals! (Of course.)

    :) Elizabeth

  152. a hundred and sixty two comments!!
    cough cough choke choke
    I have never heard of such a thing. I flip out when I get 8 or ten. lol

    Hey - I'm 163
    SUPER DUPER quilt and your photo rocks too!!

  153. Great quilt girlie!! I like your quilting design a lot!

  154. Congratulations!! I knew you had a winner on your hands!!!

  155. Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Lovely quilt!

  156. Congratulations on winning the festival! It's an amazing quilt and I love the spider!

  157. Carly, your quilt is gorgeous! Congratulations on your big win!

  158. I am in awe of this. Just a brilliant idea. Congrats on a well-deserved win!

  159. I flippin' LOVE this quilt! When you posted it, I was in the middle of a super crazy workweek. Reading about this and looking at the pictures was like a wonderful little break. You did an awesome job. :)

  160. Congratulations on your big win with this quilt! You deserve it!

  161. wow, stunning quilt, I'm no surprised you won!


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