Monday, November 5, 2012

Nominated and other news

I have been very busy the last little while and most of my internet time has gone towards checking in with folks who were close to Hurricane Sandy on the east coast or near earthquakes on the west coast, OR soaking up the fabric beauty of the quilt festival! Speaking of the fest...

My quilt, Homespun, has been nominated in the Favourite Scrap Quilt category in the Bloggers' Quilt Festival hosted by Amy's Creative Side.  Thank you so much to those people who did the nominating.  There were 621 quilts entered this time and there wasn't a dud in the bunch so I'm very flattered!
It's blushing!
Voting for favourites goes on for another three days - and you don't have to have entered to participate! Vote here.  And I won't take it personally if I'm not your favourite - there are some amazing quilts.... :-)

Other than that, I've had my hands full over here - mostly with stuff I can't show up until January - but there is the odd thing I've managed to complete/start/ponder.

I finished up my name tag for the local quilt guild and am very happy with it.  Except for the back. Because I'm just that neurotic.  The Newcomer Tea is this evening before the meeting.
Bad tension....
And it looks like the Saskatoon Modern Quilt Guild is a GO! If you're local and interested, get in touch.    It was great to meet some people in person that I'd only known through the internet before (Hi, Patti!) At our meeting, we also pestered the proprietor of our LQS for details about the fun in Houston last week.

Tiny piecing looks almost as pretty on the back...

I'm working on a randomly pieced background tutorial.
I'm battling a cold.  Again.  I tell you - I had an iron constitution and aggressive immune system.  Then I had a nephew.  Tiny people come with exposure to germs heretofore unknown amongst your regular circles. Viruses fierce and treacherous!

There was some luck related news this weekend, too, but that will have to wait until later this week.

So, yes, this post wasn't much more than a pop-in but I felt like posting a little and wanted to keep myself from a tangent.  I hope everyone affected by the hurricane and earthquakes are doing okay and life is quickly getting back to normal for them - you're in my prayers!


  1. I voted for you! So thrilled to be nominated together... thankfully not in the same category because yours is amazeballs.

    Hope you feel better soon sweetie *hugs*

  2. I'm so glad you took the nomination! I voted then as now! Like I said before, that's the best spiderweb quilt I've ever seen! Congrats!

  3. already voted for you. Great news re the Saskatoon Modern Quilt Guild - do you accept quilters from the UK? Oh and I hear you about young things and their bugs - our house should have a red cross painted on the front door! Sending get well vibes

  4. I voted! Your quilt is absolutely amazing. It honestly was my favorite. Hope you're able to get over the fierce virus before it takes you down! You can do it! :)

  5. I voted! It is a lovely quilt!

  6. Wow - sorry I haven't popped by much here. CONGRATS on your lovely quilt's nomination! I shall indeed vote. : )

    SORRY I was not at the newcomer's tea. I only go in the afternoons now unless I'm presenting. EVERYONE is neurotic about their name tags! lol

    Hope to run into you soon.
    Monika K in Saskatoon

  7. Awesome name tag! Congratulations on your nomination! So glad your Homespun quilt made it to the finals. It is truly one of my favorite quilts in the festival. Good luck with the voting!

  8. congrats of your nomination - I hope you win!
    your tiny name tag. so cute and fun

  9. So cool you were nominated! Your name tag rocks--wow, that's some tiny piecing. I have a box of teensy pieces soon coming your way--i'm sure you will love them, given your proclivity to teensy piecing projects! Feel better soon.

  10. Congratulation Carly!! I am so happy for you and your beautiful quilt!! It is really amazing!


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