I know there's a software update but since I use the maps pretty intensely, I've refrained but that little red 1 in the corner is taunting me. TAUNTING me!!
I had to bite the Reeder bullet. I'm almost caught up on the blog reading I've missed. I upgraded to Lion this summer not realizing that Mail - aka my RSS reader - dropped support for RSS reading. I lost all my carefully preserved articles, posts, etc, and a list of certain feeds that I can't remember the addresses for. It's one of the reasons it took me so long to get back on the reading wagon. It just seemed like too much to track down. Admittedly, I used my blogroll (and other people's blogrolls) as a 'reader' for most of them but there were others that I kept in the RSS reader that didn't fit with my theming. It's taken me months to adjust to Reeder, which is the one I finally went with. I don't hate it but I don't love it either. As I've been catching up, I've been adding every blog I pop-in on to it and turns out, there's a lot. However, having them all in one place is making it far easier to keep up on reading. :-)
This is molasses. The texture was completely amazing and I had to take a picture of it. However, I could not get around the enhanced reflective properties of molasses when viewed through a camera...
Fabric for Seester's quilt has begun arriving. Still waiting on one more envelope...
Fabric for a project I can't tell you much about other than there is a whole lotta strips going on...
A nearby store closing yielded 95% off Christmas ornaments, which worked out to $0.19/half dozen. Score! So I bought 3 dozen coppery glass balls for less than a twoonie. In case you think I'm a crazy person and matched the ornaments to the cat, let me assure you that I'm actually crazier and choose the cat 14 years ago because he was orange. True story.
Speaking of Christmas, Nephew MAY be getting Play-doh. We MAY have tested it out first. For safety reasons. Or something. Remember when you were a kid and never wanted to go to sleep because you thought the adults would have fun without you and you'd miss it? Turns out, they did.
This is me racing a giant turtle. Got the opportunity to do a workshop with a friend on improv for a summer drama camp in Turtleford so we had to take pics with the turtle...
A pile of cut-up socks waiting to be interfaced. I'm saving them up for a picnic blanket quilt. I plan on calling it the Dirty Socks Picnic Blanket. I need about thirty more pairs of socks to blow a hole in the toe or heel... :-)
And plain greek yogurt mixed with brown sugar for dipping fruit like nectarines is my current favourite snack.
That's my disjoined story for today! I'll be linking up to Really Random at Live a Colorful Life, where Cindy started this whole Random movement. More power to ya, sister!
I love the random! The fabric for your sister's quilt is lovely. I'm currently waiting on some fabric too, for a quilt for someone else. I get to use pretty fabric that someone else payed for. Yay!
ReplyDeleteOoh, little red notification symbols drive me crazy too! Glad you've sorted out your blog reading issues. I've got so many blogs that I read that I've made sure to download the list to my computer so I wouldn't lose them. Looks like you had fun with the PlayDoh! I have a feeling you're going to win that race with the turtle. Gotta love goofy photos! I never thought of using my ripped socks for a quilt - wish I'd been saving all my favourite striped socks
ReplyDeleteHa, this was fabulous, Carly! Love that stack of fabric for your sister's quilt. I want to come see you do improv. Eek. The thought of me doing something like that scares the bejeebies (I have NO idea how to actually spell that) out of me...
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ReplyDeleteI am going to try that again. My cat bumped me and i posted crazy talk! I was going to say that i succumbed to the taunting "1" and updated and survived!
ReplyDeleteThe more I stare at that molasses, the more I think I see a face : ) great post Carly
ReplyDeleteaptly named post! lol! Turtleford? so funny!
ReplyDeleteFun to read all your really random Thursday bits and pieces. I hear you on the not updating to iOS6. Last night my husband finally did it and so when we had to go out on an errand, we compared maps. About the same, but it was funny to hear him describing how nice it all looked. I know I'll switch over at some point--just giving Apple time to get those new tracks laid down and made it all easier.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth E.
I need to get caught up on reading back in your blog, finally subscribed by email, duh. I love, absolutely love the felted knitting piece with the unshrunk areas. Plus all the other topics are interesting to read,
ReplyDeleteLove that tree fabric in black and white. Is it Alexander Henry?
ReplyDeleteGreat random post. Love the Play-doh story! Used to have fun with that...hmm....maybe I still can ;-) Need to try that brown sugar and greek yogurt snack idea.
ReplyDeleteLove the fabric you got. The turtle is great and so is the cat. Playdoh is for all ages!
ReplyDeleteCarly you crack me up. The molasses looks heavenly, even with its enhanced reflective properties. Am totally stoked to see the dirty sock blanket!! brilliant. and I will be trying the greek yogurt trick. yumm.