Sunday, October 9, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

If you are a Canadian, Happy Thanksgiving to you!
If you are not, here is a random picture of a turkey.

I have a great deal to be thankful for and in the spirit of gratitude, thank you for stopping by, for reading, for commenting, for writing your blogs, for sharing and inspiring, for teaching and passing forward what you've learned, for comfort, for laughter, and for being you.  I love you!

If you were here, I'd give you pie.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!! I know I'm thankful for YOU in my life!

  2. I want pie. Well, at least you sent me turkey. Oh wait... you didn't. I also want turkey.

  3. If I were there, I'd eat pie! Looks delish.

  4. Did you make that turkey? MAN, I need to learn that skill.
    Did you make PIE? MAN, I need to learn that skill too.

  5. Happy belated Thanksgiving to you! I had pancakes because I am a USian and it was the monthly pancake breakfast at a church where I assist with one of the Sunday morning classes. (:

  6. Happy thanksgiving to you! I made a pie today too, I think I'll go eat some and celebrate with you.


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