Title: Homespun - #132
Finished: May 2012
Category: Scrap Quilts
Size: 76" square
Composition: mostly scraps, an old pair of dress pants, a little yardage, and backed and bound with an old sheet.
I started this quilt about three years ago and it took almost that long to get it made. When I started blogging, I was quickly overwhelmed with wonderful ideas and beautiful quilts made by others. This quilt and this quilt in particular really inspired me. So I set out to make a spiderweb quilt!
It took a lot of pencil and paper playing to figure out how I wanted my blocks to look. I cut my own cardstock templates, traced and cut fabric, added them to foundation paper, and then I had to wait until I had enough scraps to start it. Since I had only made a handful of quilts, and wasn't as insane about keeping scraps as I am now, it took awhile to build up the stash. Now I have tons. :-)
It's quilted using pebbles (a first for me at the time), some organic spirals in the webs, and straight line echoes around the edges. I also quilted the name into one of the webs.
I had the horrific discovery of a hole in the top while quilting it. It looked like a snag or like it may have been there, microscopic, until I had really started manipulating the quilt through my machine. And I almost cried. But then, I figured it's a spiderweb, and freehanded a little spider to cover it up. His name is Troy.
Of all the quilts I have made, this one is definitely my favourite. My original post on this quilt is here.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks to Amy for hosting! I'm hoping to get around to see everyone's quilt by the time the festival is finished. Have a wonderful weekend!