Friday, August 19, 2011

Progress before the Onslaught

I've been trying to get some post nuggets started so I don't completely disappear this fall.  What do you suppose the chances are I'll succeed at not disappearing?? [Laughs. Sighs.  Wipes tear. Laughs again.]  

Orientation for internship was today and signals the winding down of free time and the ability to watch football games without feeling guilty.  Before I get lost in the stacks of lesson plans and extra-curricular activities, I thought I would post some progress on projects.  You know, before I abandon them in the oblivion that is education.
 My scrappy afghan - panel 3 of 5 (or 6).  It's coming along and laying siege to scads of leftover mitten yarn.  The stash is taking up less room and three folded knit panels now sit in its place.  Much tidier.
 I took some of my back-to-school clothing budget and invested in a toque.  Or rather the beginnings of one. While reading a favourite blog, I spotted the hat and instantly needed the pattern.  Then I had to wait patiently for some Madeline Tosh Vintage to arrive.  The colour is murder to photograph.  Basically, it's an emeraldy-tealy sort of green with a bit of inky black for depth.  They call it Cousteau.
I should have the toque knit by the end of the weekend.  But no matter how busy I get, there is one project I'll never finish and always have time for:
...catching a little bonding time with Nephew.

And his giant baby feet.

1 comment:

  1. So good to see you back Carly. I haven't checked in awhile and was pleasantly surprised to find several articles to read. As always, they were very enjoyable. Loved, loved, loved the baby quilts as did Jeff and Ming. They may hang Fiona's on the wall to keep for Emily. Good luck with your internship. I know you'll be a great teacher:)
    Auntie Debbie


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