Sunday, May 19, 2013

Simply Solids Bee - June Blocks

June is my month in the Simply Solids Bee.  I'm fairly excited and hope that my bee mates are game for a challenge and a little creative sewing!

My inspiration for this project is the idea of flowers (and a few stems) going over a waterfall.  That should explain my colour choices!

Bee Mates - here's what I'm asking of you (please don't panic - this is supposed to be fun and different!):

Using the fabrics I'm sending you, please make an improvised abstract block that measures 12.5" x 16.5".  Cut and sew - go crazy! Enjoy the process!

I've sent each of you a fat quarter of a lighter blue, an eighth of a darker blue, a strip of stone, and a square each of flame and mango.  Please leave the squares intact.  The strip you can make whatever length you wish and treat the ends however.  If you find you're running short of the blues, just give me a shout and I'll send you some more. Please return the scraps to me - I'll be needing them to finish the quilt top!

Some of the blues are very close in colour - that's intentional.  I hope it doesn't pigeon-hole your creative juices! Be free with it!
Simpler on the left - fussier on the right.  Whatever you feel like!

Just to give you an idea of how I see this coming together, I pieced a couple of sample blocks and stacked them...
There are four rows and the colours'll bleed from row to row.  I'm excited to see what you all come up with!  Thanks so much. :-)


  1. Oh very, very cool idea. I love this!

  2. Wow, that is some challenge! How fun...good luck everyone.

  3. Wow, this looks so cool! can't wait to see what you guys come up with in the end :D

  4. Oh I love this!!! This is going to be a stunning quilt - really want to see what your bee mates come up with :)

  5. LOVE your blocks. How fun Need to try this! Thanks for sharing and have a great day

  6. Love your blocks too! This is an amazing idea for a quilt!

  7. Fun! But can I say I'm glad I'm not in your bee because this scares me. haha

  8. That is so different from anything I've ever done. Improv is not usually my friend, but I'll do my best!

  9. Very exciting block choice! I'll look forward to seeing this quilt :)

  10. Great idea! This finished top will be fantastic!

  11. This looks like a fun project for all those participating.

  12. This is super cool and creative! Can't wait to see what you get back!

  13. Just beautiful, can't wait to see what it looks like when you get everyone's blocks!

  14. Those blocks are fabulous! Love the little pop of red!

    Can't wait to see the quilt come together!

  15. What a very clever wonderful idea - that quilt will be stunning, I'm sure.

  16. Sounds like a fun challenge and an interesting finished quilt.

  17. I'm loving this one also! VERY cool looking.

    Thanks for your comments on my painting. :)

  18. I am intrigued and creatively inspired by your thought processes here! I'm loving how your brain works! I think I shall now follow along...

  19. I love this, so creative, such fluidity! I need to make one tooooo!


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